A Letter To My Son On His 10th Birthday

It is a Monday for all, but for us it’s a big, big day.

Today, our first born son Jonah turns TEN. Double digits.

I feel like 10 years has really passed in the blink of an eye.  I know that sounds cliché.  I remember the first moment I saw him and held him.  When they laid him on my chest, I remember the fussy expression on his face upon entering the world. I remember how the late summer sun felt beaming on my newborn and me as we sat outside the back deck while I held him skin to skin as he nursed.  His first steps, his first words, his constant chattiness as a toddler, yet with an independent spirit, I remember it all so vividly.

Going home day! September 10, 2009

I, like many new moms, didn’t know what I was doing.  NO CLUE.

But I did know that this boy was very special, that only after having him did I know actually what being a mom really entails.

Although this is more a lifestyle blog, this is in my heart right now and I really feel the need to write Jonah a letter here on my blog.  I hope you’ll read it too.


Dear Jonah,

Wow!  10 years!  As I write this I have tears streaming down my face and that ball in my throat, not because I’m sad but because I’m so very happy.  Happy Birthday to you. I am so very proud that you’re my son.

I thought to celebrate an incredible decade together that I’d write you a letter.

I really can’t believe you’re 10!  It seems like only yesterday that we brought you home from the hospital.

Newborn portraits, 1 week old

In many ways, I feel like we’ve learned how to be parent and child together.  In the early days I learned to feed you, comfort you, change your diaper and you learned how to do so many things – talk, walk, run.  You would also spend a lot of time with your lolo and lola and go on walks at Alki to breathe in the fresh salty air and dip your tiny toes in the water.

Alki days with lolo and lola


During the first days at home together we’d sit outside underneath the trees, listening to the birds, while you nursed all day, and I’d be waiting for daddy to come home.  I remember telling friends that the days seemed to go slowly. I was always told how fast you’d grow up, and everyone was right – I want those early days back.

First home in Seattle (the treehouse!)

Camping trips, Deception Pass

We wanted you to grow up in the city where mommy was born and raised. God had different plans for us and we ended up moving to one of the most beautiful mountain towns outside of Seattle because we wanted the best schools for you and to raise you surrounded by nature. Our home in Issaquah was walking distance to the park and trails where we spent many hours outdoors, playing at the park, riding your bike and walking the trails. To this day, I believe you were born to be and raised outdoors, just like your daddy. You’re also a great camper and traveller!

Riding through our new old neighborhood, Issaquah WA

Hiking trails in our backyard with the dogs (RIP Gir)

CA Redwoods


For the first four years of your life, the afternoons consisted of mostly just you and me. We would have so much fun together exploring the town, running our errands, and going on adventures. I’ll cherish these memories as my focus was solely on you!


Then the arrival of Baron brought a new role for you!  Big Brother!  We actually made a bigger deal of you being a big brother than of Baron being born.  You took this in your stride and have been the BEST BIG BROTHER Baron could have asked for.  You play with him, you read to him and you help him. You were never jealous of a new baby but a brother brought out more play and more love in you.

First Disney World family trip


In math, art and technology you’ve found a passion. You are also creative.  You can see solutions in everything.  Please always use this creative side of yourself. It is good for your mind and your soul to tap into it, and I know it makes you happy.

Beyond your amazing creativity, you have an amazing mind.  One which takes in so much, like a sponge, but you retain it too.  When you were a toddler you knew so much about tractors and trucks and at preschool you were telling the teachers things they didn’t know.  I’ve learned so much from you about nature and the environment and science. I hope you’ll put all you’ve learned in these subjects into good use.

Boating, Lake Granbury TX

Our move from Washington to Texas was the biggest change for me, but you taught me that new environments and change shouldn’t be feared, but rather embraced. You took our move with such tenacity and treated it as a fun new adventure, which I now understand and agree it has been that all along, and I would not have wanted it any other way.

Stay who you are! You are perfect just the way you are.

One day in the not to distant future, your ideas; your brilliant mind will create solutions to problems.  Your ideas will speak to so many and touch them as it has us and your family and friends.

The last thing I want to tell you is that wishes really do come true. I dreamed of starting a family.  You made my dream come true.  So when you blow out the candles on your cake dream big and make a wish. I know it will come true.

Hartstene Pointe, Harstine Island, Shelton WA

I realize as I write this that in 10 more years you’ll be twenty and you’ll be well on your way to being a man and you may not even be living at home, you may be at college.  That is so hard to think of!  My heart hurts knowing soon (hopefully not too soon!) that you’ll be starting a whole new path and journey that won’t always involve me.

But know that daddy and I will always love you every step of the way and be so very proud of you.  No matter what.

Colorado trip

Happy 10th Birthday to our Jonah Boy!




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