Happy 10th Wedding Anniversary, John!

Wedding Day, June 21, 2008, Friday Harbor San Juan Island

Ten Years.

It sounds like a lifetime but it feels like yesterday. Isn’t it fascinating how time works?

The very best ten years, full of hard work, ups and downs, accomplishments and successes, disappointments and mistakes. In life and relationships there is so much to navigate and learn, but there is no one else I’d rather do life with than John. Our marriage is not perfect. We haven’t had all the answers and we’ve had our share of challenges that we have learned to over come. There are incredible highs and lows in marriage, but at the end of every day, it’s the most lasting, real, deep friendship and love I have experienced.

Marriage also so much fun. I don’t think anyone ever told me about that part, just how fun marriage can be so I didn’t expect it, and it’s been the best adventure. Even ten years later, it’s still so much fun.

I’m thankful to have a partner by my side.  Because the world changes, and people change, too, through living and experiencing, you’re destined to change over time even when people or beliefs might tell you not to or expect you to remain same. But who we are today is certainly not who we were ten years ago. With all the growing and evolving one should do in life, you hope for the best and that you can grow and develop together, not apart. In these first ten years of our marriage, we’re continuing to learn from one another and trying to live best version of ourselves for each other and as examples to our children.

Thanks for being my best friend John, and for prioritizing our relationship and being such a supportive partner. Thank you for the hard work you put into us and our family every day, and for putting up with all my quirks.

We are just ten early years in, and I’m excited for the next decade and all the years ahead! We have eternity together and it still doesn’t feel like enough time. I love you very much. Happy anniversary my love!

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