Homeschool Week

While on spring break, we recently received notification that Jonah’s school district has decided to close schools from March 16-20, 2020 for Coronavirus prevention measures.

As a family, we are staying calm, using common sense, and continuing to practice good hygiene by regular and frequent hand washing. When it comes to grocery shopping, we are only buying what we need.

Now that Jonah will be home from school for a week, I have put together a homeschooling schedule to stay organized and continue his learning and education at home. Feel free to use it and tweak it to work for your student’s curriculum and family lifestyle.

I broke up his schedule to incorporate the core subjects he’ll be missing at school, while adding two online resources: Scholastic Learn At Home and GoogleClassroom, mixed in with snack breaks, outside and creative time. There are a ton of online resources available, but I also recommend working with your student’s teachers and district to see if they are offering or recommending any online/remote learning tools while schools are closed.

Jonah’s Homeschool Schedule

Scholastic Learn At Home

Google Classroom

As we are faced with a situation that is unfamiliar, we realize that our ‘homeschool day’ may not be perfect and that’s ok as we adjust to something new and there will be some bumps along the way. We got this!

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