There is just something about a clean slate. I love the idea of a whole new year waiting out there full of hope and possibility.  As we close the books on 2017, I want to take a little time to note and honor all that this past year has held, so I can begin to look towards 2018 and all it could be. I also spent New Year’s Day taking down all the Christmas decorations and the house feels so refreshing already. Here’s how the entryway looks now that the Christmas tree is down and the houseplants are back in their spot.

Sources: Planter: Planter: Target | Art: Homegoods | Rug: Similar here | Chandelier: Similar here  | Dining Table and Bench: Custom made


This year has held a lot of milestones for us. From selling our home in Washington and making the move to Texas, this year has felt like one adventure after another. In June we sold our beloved Issaquah home and two months later bought a new home in Texas and moved site unseen. I know sounds crazy, and it’s been crazy good.  We shifted gears and liked the idea of a new adventure with the kids, while the career and real estate opportunity was too good to pass up.  You can read about our moving story here.  We also hosted our first Christmas celebration in our new home with relatives visiting from the East coast and the NW. The kids loved having our family around.

The days after Christmas and before the New Year, I love sharing my goals with John and hearing his so we can encourage and motivate each other throughout the year and make any adjustments if we need to along the way. Needless to say, I accomplished most of, but not all of my goals in 2017 and that’s ok. It still is a good feeling. It’s funny how life events can sometimes change your plans, but can also unfold into new opportunities.

So here are my goals for 2018:

  • Home & Garden: Plant and grow new flowers, trees, and install a vegetable garden, change the front door
  • Travel: Save for our 10 year anniversary trip (Aulani, June 2018)
  • Invest in a new business
  • Get my real estate license!

My ongoing goals are to:

  • Continue to as eat healthy as possible
  • Commit to better self-care
  • Explore more of Texas as a family and discover new places (Waco, Austin, and Marfa are on our travel bucket list.)
  • Be better at blogging, consistently

As I sit here and reflect back on the last 12 months—the memories we’ve made while we were still in Washington, new memories in Texas, and the milestones we’ve tackled—all I feel is grateful for another year. I am also optimistic for the one ahead. We have big dreams and plans that we look forward to accomplishing together and sharing with our family and friends.  We are also praying that 2018 will be a year of peace and contentment.

Happy New Year everyone!


Happy 2017!  Hope everyone had an amazing new year’s.  We stayed home because #homebodies and we have kids.  It’s also husband’s birthday on NYE so we usually have a relaxing day with lunch out or dinner at his choice, an early celebration at home with the kids blowing horns and throwing confetti then tucking them into bed before 9. We drink wine, watch some TV and go to sleep early, and I wouldn’t have any other way. On New Year’s Day, we woke up to a winter wonderland – the first snow of the season in Issaquah!

Today I am sharing my 2017 goals as January is often filled with dreams, plans and hopes for the new year to come.

My personal and career goals for 2017 are:

  • Refinance our home – April/May 2017
  • Renovate our kitchen (I already have my Pinterest boards ready!) – May/June 2017
  • Plant and grow Dahlias in our garden
  • Save for our family vacation to Hawaii and stay at the Disney Aulani – May 2017
  • 10 year anniversary trip (Location Tbd, June 2018)
  • Rank in the top 3 of team at work and win Pinnacle Award – September/October 2017

My ongoing goals are to:

  • Continue to eat healthy as possible
  • Go on weekly hikes
  • Connect with friends on a monthly basis as our schedules allow
  • Enjoy as much quality time with hubby and kids
  • Keep home organized and uncluttered